Using the Libraries

We provide support for GVSU students, faculty, and staff online and in-person.
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Services For:

MeLCat is Back!

MeLCat is Back! Banner

Need books GVSU doesn't own? MeLCat is back! Borrow books from libraries across Michigan for free!

Popular Reading

Popular Reading Banner

Need a fun read? Check out our popular reading collection!

Group Study Rooms

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Print and Scan

Printing and Scanning at the library.

Study Spaces

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Borrow or find a computer in the libraries.

Highlights from the University Libraries

News - Off the Shelf

Seidman House

Seidman House Banner

Located on the Allendale campus, Seidman House has stunning views from study areas and houses the University Libraries' Special Collections and University Archives.

Wyckoff Planning and Zoning Collection

Wyckoff Planning and Zoning Collection Banner

Municipal master plans and zoning ordinances from across the state of Michigan, spanning from the 1960s to the early 2020s. The bulk of the collection was compiled by urban planner Mark Wyckoff over the course of his career as the founder and principal planner of the Planning and Zoning Center in Lansing, Michigan. Some additions have been made to the collection by municipalities since it was transferred to Grand Valley State University.

Page last modified August 12, 2024